Monday, October 12, 2015

Tiphanie's Obsessions of the Week

These are obsessions that I would like to post weekly for myself....anyways...where was I? Oh yes! Here were my obsessions for this week!

NOTE: These are just strange obsessions that I have had this week and this could get kinda crazy. Proceed with caution and remember, this Blog is a NO judgement zone. This is just a place for my opinions and for positive commentators. Thanks in advance! :D

1. Songs-I am one of these annoying/amazing people that always have a song of some kind playing in their head. Sometimes it is horrible because I have some song I don't know all the lyrics to floating around in there or because it was a jingle off of a really stupid commercial ("The snack that smiles back...Goldfish!). This week luckily, it was not a silly jingle but a song that revolves around one of my favorite instruments. Trumpets! It is also just so darn catchy that I can not help myself. Song obsession of the week for me is "Trumpets" by Jason Derulo. (Friends that do not like songs about inappropriate things or with cursing beware)

Here is a link to his song via Youtube:

2. Food- You knew this was going to be on this list. Admit it. Who could make an obsessions of the week with 8 topics and NOT have food on it? Anti-food people that is who! Anyways, moving on, not chasing that rabbit anymore. My food obsession for the week was this:
Photo Courtesy of Diana's Bananas Website
I picked up a box of these at SAMS club and they are SO good! My family has been enjoying these babies all week and at only 130 calories it is a sweet and healthy treat. :D

3. Movie-I have mentioned on here before that I am a HUGE animated film fan and with that being said, more than 90% of these will probably be an animated film each week. This week was a crazy week though. Shrug. My movie obsession for this week is: Trainwreck
We went to see it in theaters which was AMAZING. Seriously. Like the third movie I have seen in theaters in the past two years (welcome to parenting). This movie is WILDLY inappropriate and could be considered downright was absolutely HILARIOUS and you should go watch it like 5 minutes ago. Seriously. Amazing movie. Here is a link to Fandango because I know you are going to go see this right now. Stop reading and click the linky!

4. T.V. Show- I want you to keep in mind that I have a two year old daughter when you see this one...or actually don't. I would watch this show even without a child. In fact, I did watch this before. So, there. Anyways, My Little Pony is my T.V. Show obsession this week and I don't want to give away any spoilers, but something amazing happened in this weeks episode! So if you are a MLP fan go watch it! It was great! They have episodes on Youtube

5. Book- Book of the week is "The Story". It is basically a big book of stories from the Bible and I am trying to make my way through the book/Bible this year. I have even been thinking about possibly blogging about each chapter as I read through it. Thoughts? Would anyone like to see me blog about chapters in this book? So far (I am on Chapter 3) I have found the book to be awesome at telling the whole story and I have already had a few of my questions about things cleared up by this book. I personally like to use this as a companion book to the Bible, but you could also just read this book. It is especially helpful for beginners or people like me who did not grow up in a church. Anyways, if you are interested here is the link:
Photo Courtesy of 

6. Pumpkin flavored things. I am sorry! (dodges people throwing things because they are tired of hearing about fall things). Seriously though. I LOVE Pumpkin Spiced Lattes. I especially love Pumpkin Spiced Lattes in B & N with my friend Nina. (She gets a discount AND she is awesome) Also, Starbucks makes a Decaf version which is amazing for people like me who can not have caffeine! :D Anyways, to make up for this I am posting a link to Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on YouTube and what he has to say about Pumpkin Spiced Lattes. Have a laugh and forgive me? 

7.  Pinterest. Okay okay. So this is more of a YEAR addiction...but still. I LOVE pinterest. You can find me on there pinning about all sorts of crazy things under Tiphietiger or Tiphanie Owens. If you have not joined the pinterest obsessed you should just do it. You know...cause peer pressure is always a valid reason. :p

8. Obsessively Excited Over: Pokemon Go! Oh my goodness! I am SO excited about this. This is going to basically be an App/Game on your phone where you can use your phone like a Pokedex. Needless to say, I will be getting this! So if you are planning on getting this too then get outta my way because I am gonna catch em' all! Unless you want to do a friendly battle or trade. Then you can stay and chill. Anyways, here is a link to the game trailer:


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